Monday, July 6, 2015

Getting it together

Starting as a Beachbody coach can be kind of overwhelming at first! Luckily,  I don't have to re-invent the wheel! There is so much great info out there on best practices to get going! One of them from my up line coaches was to set up an office or set workspace. Where you can just sit down and work when it is time to work.

I should have done this long ago! Between trying to help with some of the nursery administration, my responsibilities as a Girl Scout leader, this is already long overdue! Now I have taken on more with Girl Scouts and coaching, can't put that off and I need to jump all over that specific "best practice"!

I did just that as soon as I dropped Shara off at summer school this morning. My original thought didn't pan out but I found what I needed to set up a quiet workspace in the trailer. I am gonna do my workout and then run off to the dollar store and goodwill to pick up a few odds and ends to complete my little setup.

My plan to get back to scheduling every minute of my day is in full swing today and moving along fairly well! It may seem extreme,  but even if it doesn't go exactly as planned,  it still makes it easier for me to track everything.

Whelp, I  have finished my pre-workout and it is now time to BEAST UP!

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